Do as the Romans do...

Normer and I got back from Rome yesterday! It was a great trip... very quick for me. I was only in Rome for barely two days. Normer was in Italy for a full week. The first part of his trip he was with his college friends living it up in Naples, Pompeii, Capri Island and he saw a volcano, Mt Vesuvius. I met Normer and 3 of his guy friends in Rome on Thursday and we spent the next two days seeing the sights. We took over 400 pictures!! I will have to go through them the next few days and share the best with you.
I really loved Rome. Despite being afraid of getting pick-pocketed at all times it's a great city. We had excellent food and I could have eaten way more gelato.
Here's a pic to tide you over until I go through everything...

And I could sure go for some gelato right now....

Stay tuned for Rome Day 1!!!!!!


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