
This past Sunday, Normer and I decided to be quite adventurous. We went to Seattle and then came back the same day! We left from the Atlanta airport around 9am and arrived in Seattle at 11am. Then we hopped on a bus to take us into downtown. We had done a little research about what to do but probably should have looked up more stuff before we left.

Our first stop was the Pike Place Market.


It was full of people and hard to walk through. There were tons of shops in every direction. It was pretty overwhelming.


We were starving so we ended up eating at one of the first restaurants we came across, Lowell's. I had a cheeseburger and Normer had a crab cake sandwich. After lunch we had a short photo shoot in front of the original Starbucks. I was already planning on breaking my "no coffee" rule later that day.

dsc02965I was SO excited to visit the birthplace of Starbucks. It made me quite happy.


We knew that we couldn't come to Seattle without getting on a ferry boat so we decided to walk down to the docks.

dsc02972I'm so sad that we can't see the snow capped mountains hiding in this picture!!!

dsc02974The sky was pretty clear when we arrived in Seattle but unfortunately after lunch the clouds were back. I was a little bummed since I wanted to see all of the mountains around us!

We hopped on a very large ferry boat and enjoyed the 30 minute ride over to the island of Bainbridge.

Next Post: Bainbridge Island


  1. Ha! That's so funny about the ferry boats. I had never thought of getting on a ferry boat in Seattle until Grey's.

    Next time you're headed to Seattle, you should check in with Mike for some tips! He went to school in Tacoma, so Seattle was the "big city."

  2. Cool! Sounds like a fun adventure. The clouds are exasperating in the Northwest. Without exaggeration, in a given school year (Sept.-May) I would see Mt. Rainier maybe 5 times. But it was right there looming over us... just always hidden by the drizzle. It was always startling when the mountain was "out."
    Now, if you're in Seattle anytime June through August, it's paradise on earth!

  3. We loved Seattle, but you need to go back and go to Mt. Rainier. Stay at Paradise Inn and do some hiking in the National Park...but wait until early summer. Did you see them throw fish at the market?? It's quite a "show".

  4. Love that Starbucks pic!! Glad you made it to the mecca...and that is worth cheating on the no caffeine thing of course!! Did you run in to Dr. McDreamy??

  5. [...] 27, 2009 See here for Part I and Part II of our [...]


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