Madrid Day 2

For our second day in Madrid, we didn't have any definite plans of what to do. So we decided to walk around in the Parque Del Buen Retiro. It was a huge park with tons of paths, gardens, ponds, and tons of people walking around.

One of the first things we saw were these guys in kayaks playing some game with a volleyball. They would use their paddles to throw the ball into a net.

DSC04005Monument to Alfonso XII

DSC04008Yes, that is a bunny on a leash.

DSC04010A very interesting curved tree. And just a side note, it was hot, hot, hot in Madrid.

DSC04012After the walk in the park we headed back towards our hotel to find some lunch and then got some gelato to cool off!!

DSC04017The very famous Bear and Tree Statue

DSC04020After lunch, we decided to take a little side trip up to El Escorial to see the Monastery there.

The week before we left for Spain, I fell down during a run and banged up my knee pretty badly. I had to walk around Madrid with this HUGE bandage on my knee. I got a lot of stares from all the locals, but whatever! Normer grabbed this shot of me while we were waiting in the train station for our trip.

DSC04024El Escorial is about 28 miles north of Madrid. The monastery there was built in the 1560's. A majority of the Spanish Kings are buried there, from Charles I (who died in 1556) through to Alfonso XIII (died 1931) through Philip II, Philip III, Philip IV, Charles II, Louis I, Charles III, Charles IV, Ferdinand VII, Isabel II, and Alfonso XII.

DSC04030We weren't able to go in since it was closed but the outside was gorgeous!

DSC04043This is my favorite picture.

DSC04035I still can't get over how huge this place is!

DSC04044We walked around the town of El Escorial and it was quite charming.


DSC04057Loved these restaurante signs.


Fall colors were everywhere!

DSC04060Now, I have no idea what these next pictures are about. We stumbled upon this scene:

DSC04065Here's another view:

DSC04067Yes, those statues on the right are shooting at the people on the left. And those are corpses laying on the ground. Like I said, I don't know what to think about this. I really don't. Quite different huh?

So, moving on....After getting very lost and having to take a taxi back to the train station, we finally made it back to Madrid and called it a night.
Madrid wasn't our favorite place that we've been to, but we enjoyed the sights while we were there!


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