Australia Day 2

We woke up early the next day and headed to our favorite breakfast spot, the grocery store. Food in Australia was expensive! It cost at least $35 a person to eat  a not so nice meal. Normer and I are total bargain hunters. We always use coupons to eat out at home, and rarely would we spend $35 on a meal for both of us! We stopped at a convenience store the first day and picked up some drinks that didn't have a price on them. Turns out that a bottle of gatorade or coke each cost $5 each! Scam!
So we wisened up the second day, and went shopping at a grocery store. The smaller bottles of coke were still expensive, so we just bought a liter and poured it in to smaller bottles. We also stocked up on fruit and snacks for the rest of the day.
After breakfast, we hopped on a train and headed to Bondi beach. This is Sydney's most famous beach.

It was really beautiful. The cold weather and the threat of sharks were enough to keep me out of the water though.

We walked along a trail that took us a few miles up the coast. It was absolutely gorgeous.

After our hike, we caught a bus and went back to Circular Quay to catch a ferry back to Manly Beach. Our plan was to rent bikes for the day. Being pregnant and all, I wasn't too thrilled about riding bikes around. I just don't have the energy I used to! Somehow I talked Normer into renting a tandem bike with me. I still can't believe that he did it. The scariest part was getting up on the bike and taking off. We decided to ride up to a National Park. The only thing standing in between us and the National Park was a huge hill that we had to trek up. It was pretty rough going and I may or may not have been accused of not pedaling. I swear I was pedaling the whole time!!

We finally made it up and enjoyed a far away view of Sydney.

This is a great spot to watch whales but we didn't see any.

It started raining on our way back to the bike shop so we ended up heading back to our hotel. Once again, we had plans to go back out later that night, but of course we fell asleep again! I was so tired I didn't even eat dinner, which never happens!
Next up, Day 3!


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