A place for Baby Adams

I finally finished up all the bedding for Baby Adams!

Here's the big reveal!

We aren't super crazy about the color of the crib sheet. After searching 3 different stores, this was the closest color we could find that looked decent. I guess I'll be making my own crib sheet eventually to match, but that will have to wait until after he gets here!

We are planning to move sometime this summer, so when the baby gets his own room (other than the kitchen), the theme for the nursery will be, "O the Places You'll Go!". One of my sweet friends painted a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge and I plan to find lots of other world landmark things to decorate with. And by the way, the A stands for Adams, not for the baby's name. We aren't spilling the beans on that yet!

It took me about 2 days to make the bumpers and another day to make the bed skirt. The quilt however, well, it was about 6 months in the making! Here's the big reveal of the quilt!

I had the idea for this quilt when we first found out we were pregnant. I went ahead and bought all the fabric (Joel Dewberry's Modern Meadow) in the fall but didn't get around to sewing everything until after the Christmas rush.

I spent most of January hand sewing each of the world landmarks. It was actually a great thing to do on the plane during our many babymoon trips. I just started learning hand embroidery this past year and I really enjoy it. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, you do use a pattern that is transferred by ironing. Then you just pick out your color of embroidery thread and decide what stitch to use. I mainly use split stitch but I also used: french knots, back stitch, chain stitch and much more! The landmark patterns are from Jenny Hart and Wild Olive. For the "O the Places You'll Go" center piece, I just found an image of Dr. Seuss' book online, and used that as my pattern.
I'm not 100% happy with how the embroidery pieces turned out. They are a little too wrinkly for me but that is what happens when you make a quilt, it gets wrinkly! Here's a closer look of all the landmarks.

Statue of Liberty- Baby has already been here, he was there in November!

Big Ben- Baby has been here too! New Years Day 2011

Leaning Tower of Pisa- although this one isn't leaning too much!

Sydney Opera House- Baby was there in November 2010 with us!

Taj Mahal

Eiffel Tower


Golden Gate Bridge

After I finished all of the embroidery pieces, then I had to come up with the quilt design. I simply printed out some grid paper and went to work rearranging the pieces until I liked how they looked together. It took me about two weeks of on and off work to cut everything out, sew the quilt top, quilt the layers together and to bind it.

I truly hope that Baby Adams will have this quilt the rest of his life and know how much his mother enjoyed making it for him. I absolutely can not believe that I will have a son in just a few days.

Can't wait to show you the little corner we've got ready for you baby!


  1. That. Is. Awesome. Seriously. Stacee, you're so talented!!!

  2. LOVE IT! you're amazing!!

  3. Oh my gosh Stacee!! Amazing =) So excited for you and Normer and hope everything goes well with Baby A's arrival!

  4. It is really pretty. I hope that his nameplate goes up pretty soon on his website.

  5. SO precious Stacee! And the theme is so perfect for baby Adams. So excited for you!

  6. I just love it all! You are so talented!

  7. Such talent! It is a cute little corner with a beautiful quilt. And don't worry- he's only going to be 18-21 inches, so he'll fit in the kitchen :)

  8. Eep! This quilt is amazing! Thank you so much for making my patterns a part of this treasure...

  9. Stacee it's amazing. Seriously. A-MAZING! He will treasure this one day. (Or more likely his wife will....)

  10. Thanks everybody!! I'm so glad you like it!


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