Badge is TWO!

We had quite the celebration for Badge's 2nd birthday. The party was a lot of work- but I enjoyed making everything!

Normer was out of town the whole week before so thankfully Normer's mom came to the rescue and helped with the kids while I baked and piped icing! You can find all of the links for the ideas and products on my Pinterest page.

Badge has been obsessed with his choo choo trains since he received some from my Dad at Christmas. The first thing he says every morning is "choo choo train?". Nothing makes this kid happier than Thomas. I knew I wanted to throw some Thomas into this party, but I did not want it to overtake it. I found some gorgeous invitations at Lorelee Lewis.  I also bought train stickers from her to use for decorations.

I loved the green and blue on the invite so went with that for the party colors. I made the banners from scrap booking paper that I already had in my stash.

Instead of making overalls, which Badge would most likely never wear again, I opted to make him a hat, pants, suspenders and applique a t-shirt. The shirt is from American Apparel, and I used these tutorials for the hat, pants and suspenders.

As for party games, this was a party for a 2 year old so there isn't a whole lot you can do especially when a lot of the guests attending were babies. I wanted to find something that kids of all ages could do and that would also be a party favor, so we decorated wooden trains!

I found the wooden trains here. I looked all over for trains at a reasonable price and finally lucked out following a rabbit hole on Pinterest.  The kids absolutely LOVED this activity! In fact, one of my neighbors has two kids, ages 2 and 6. The 6 year old refused to come to the party since she thought it would be a "baby" party. Well, when her brother brought home a train, she immediately came marching down the street to paint one herself!

Everyone had a blast playing outside- the weather was gorgeous!!! And doesn't our yard look so much better with all of the brush cut down??

I made a vanilla-vanilla cake courtesy of Martha. This recipe is delish!! It's also my favorite buttercream icing. I made a double batch and had just enough to make 24 cupcakes and one large rectangle cake for the train.

For the train cake, I used small pop sticks to stack the cake in layers and then just carved the pieces into the train shape.

Then I frosted with the buttercream and dipped my knife in hot water to smooth it all out. I made marshmallow fondant for the details on the cake. It tastes really good but isn't as moldable as fondant. I am looking in to taking some cake decorating classes so maybe next year I'll use fondant instead. 

The cookies were a complete labor of love. I was originally making cookies in the shape of a train but when I saw this idea on Pinterest, I had to make them! I used a wedding cake and a circle cutter. I always follow Sweetopia's tutorials and my cookies turn out amazing. Her recipes are the best. It took me about 3 days to bake and pipe on all the details. I did purchase an edible black marker for this project which made things a lot easier. Badge ate so many cookies that we had a blue surprise waiting for us in his diaper the next day. Whoops!

 It was such a fun day!! I'm already planning Rowe's 1st birthday party for next February!


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