What's Up Wednesday- June Edition

It's Wednesday! I'm linking up with Mix Match Mama to talk about what's up with us!

1) What we are eating this week...

Lots of fresh meats, fruits and veggies. And lots of ice cream. And baked goods. I'm hoping the fruit and vegetables all balance out the cheesecake. ;)  I use a grocery delivery service here in London and they drop my bags right into my kitchen. That is especially nice when you don't have a car and live on the 3rd floor (with no elevator). On the menu this week is: Lasagna with Spinach, Sun Dried Tomato Chicken with roasted veggies, and Chicken Fajitas.

2. What I'm reminiscing About...

Touring the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studios! My friend Meg was in town with her husband Alex and I knew they were the perfect friends to visit the studios with me. It was really neat to see the real props and sets that were used in the film. However, after visiting Universal Studios in Florida and seeing the Harry Potter attractions there, I think I might prefer Universal. Anyone else reading all the Harry Potter books again for the 4th time in prep for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child? (I'm raising my hand!)

3. What I'm loving..

La Bottega- This cute little cafe across the street from our flat. Their coffee is delicious!! (See #5) And they offer cute little babyccinos for the boys for free. 

4. What we've been up to...

Exploring the city! The boys have a hard time being in our small flat for too long without breaking down the walls. I'm sure the neighbors absolutely despise us for how loud we are. So- we try to get out everyday to visit a new part of the city we haven't seen yet. We love to ride the double decker buses!

5. What I'm dreading... 

My morning coffee. I'm a coffee addict and used a Keurig back home. I brought along my french press to use here in the UK but it is not working out for me. My coffee is disgusting every day! There is no half and half available here (nor any coffee creamers at all) so I've made to the switch to whole milk. That isn't helping either. Any tips??

6. What I'm working on...

Planning trips for lovely clients! I have clients traveling to Grenada, France, Switzerland, St Lucia and Hawaii this month. I really love finding the perfect locale for people- nothing makes my day more than hearing happy travel stories!

7. What I'm excited about...

Paris!! My best friend is flying to visit me and we are meeting in Paris!!! I absolutely can not wait to spend some time with her in such an amazing city! Only 9 more days!!!

8. What I'm watching/reading..
I just finished this.....

and I did not like it. :( Maybe I was not in the right mood for this book but it was not my favorite! 

But this.....

 is my favorite!!! Any Outlander fans out there? I have read all the books and have really enjoyed the TV series as well. The second season is showing here in the UK and I can't wait for the next new episode!

9. What I'm listening to...

I can not do any housework without a little entertainment. I always pop on my bluetooth headphones and find a great show to listen to why I work.  I'm on season 2 and I'm addicted to this show! 

10. What I'm wearing...

Jackets, Jeans, Long sleeves and sneakers! The weather warmed up briefly here, but todays high is 55 with rain. It is really strange to see everyone back home in shorts and swim suits! I don't mind the mild temps here too much though. 

11. What I'm doing this weekend...

Going for a run- I live for the few times I can get out of the house by myself and explore. I love running to new places I haven't seen and snapping a few photos along the way. 

12. What I'm looking forward to in June...

PARIS! Amanda!! And I'm excited about a little nicer weather here in London too. 

13. What else is new...

Everything! Our whole life is new right now! :)

14. What am I looking forward to this summer...

I don't feel like summer has started for me yet! It's cold here and school isn't out yet.  Badge is in school until July 7th and he will be out until September. I'm hoping to come back home for two weeks or so to see family and friends once he finishes school. I'm also looking forward to taking a trip somewhere in Europe- we still have to make plans!

That's What's Up Wednesday!


  1. Love this! I really like Liane Moriarty...have you read What Alice Forgot? Maybe you'll like it better. And I am hearing so many good things about Outlander, but then I've also heard it's a little over the top sexual/graphic. Did you think so? Need a lot of summer reading suggestions!

    1. Hi! Yes, to the sexual/graphic content- I skimmed a lot through the more graphic sections. I love, love the characters and storyline though. It starts out so historical (which I love) but then it starts to add in more science fiction as you go.
      I haven't read What Alice Forgot yet- I think I am on the waiting list of the ebook at the library! I don't know what to read next now!


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