Walt Disney World

Does anyone remember visiting Disney World in your childhood?

Disney World in 1986

I'm sure you remember your first ride and how magical it was. What you probably don't remember is that it was pretty magical for your parents too. They just bought park tickets, booked a hotel and showed up. Nowadays, that's not the case. Parents in the 21st Century now have to prepare months and months in advance. Not only is picking out the right resort for your family a headache, but there are deadlines for dining reservations and fast passes. In order to start booking reservations, you need a plan before you even start!!

That's where I come in. 

Stacee truly made our first Disney vacation perfect!  She recommended a wonderful resort based on my family's needs and helped us choose the best dining meal plan.  Stacee took my ideas and wishes and used her experience to create an itinerary that allowed us to make the most of our time.  Her insider tips made our trip magical, and best of all her services were free! 

-The Wells Family

Why should I be planning your next trip to Walt Disney World???

1) Its FREE to use my services. No, really free! And its the exact same pricing that you see online at waltdisneyworld.com. There are no hidden fees because all hotels have commission built into their pricing. If you are booking a hotel without using a travel agent, you are missing out on a completely personalized service. I'm here to help with anything that comes up along the way. You can't say the same for the online booking engine that you are using. 

2) I care. I care so much about my clients vacations! Sometimes I will even dream I'm on the vacations I'm planning because I'm thinking about them all day long! I want to know your travel preferences and then I match you up to the perfect property for your family. It truly is a personal achievement for me to come alongside you and assist.

You do not want to book your Disney trip without Stacee's expert help! Her immense knowledge of everything Disney, patience with my endless questions, helpful tips and hints, attention to detail and friendly and fun, yet professional, guidance have made all the difference to ensuring a successful and affordable trip for my family. I cannot recommend her highly enough! -D'one

3) Expertise. I know Walt Disney World and Disneyland. I'm a certified Disney Travel Planner and each year I take courses to keep my knowledge fresh. I have put my head together with some of the best in the business to write a 22 page Disney World Guide that contains pretty much everything you need to know before you arrive.

Disneyland and California Adventure Park- My favorite!! 

4) Joy! I love Disney and want to bring joy and excitement to your next vacation. 

The first time both boys got a taste of the Mouse. 

I also book Disney Cruises, Universal Studios and anywhere else you want to go! Contact me to learn more- stacee@beckylambtravel.com

Our first glimpse at Hogwarts- Universal Studios


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