Zion National Park

A few weekends ago, Normer and I traveled to Utah with our fun friends Keri and Brian. Keri works for Delta so they travel the world as much as we do.  I would have posted pictures of our trip sooner but I lost all of our pictures when my computer crashed. I still have the pics, I just can't access them until I buy another Mac. But you are in luck because Keri and Brian were kind enough to give us their pictures. And they are gorgeous, so enjoy!

We left for Utah on Friday afternoon. The plan was to fly  into Salt Lake City and then catch a second flight to St. George. Then we would have just a 45 minute drive to the park. Unfortunately, the flights to St. George were pretty full and we were afraid of getting stuck without a way to get back to Salt Lake. We then decided to skip the second flight and just drive all the way to St. George. It was a 4 hour drive so not too bad. We finally arrived at our hotel around midnight and got some much needed rest.

The next morning we got up and headed out to the park.  I was quite nervous about the whole weekend because I am not a camper. I have only camped out twice in my life. The first time was in Maryland where it rained in our tent at night and the next day I was sunburnt so bad that I had sun poisoning. Oh, and the wild horses that lived at our campsite ate all of our food. Sounds like fun huh? The second time was here in Georgia where I almost froze to death. So you can see how I might have some apprehensions about camping.

Normer, Brian and myself at the entrance to the park. Man, do I need some sun on those white legs of mine!!


Our plan for the day was to hike up Angel's Landing and then set up camp later that day. Angel's Landing was quite an insane hike. The beginning was nice and easy but as we got several miles in, it was steep with narrow paths. Sometimes there were 1000 foot drops just inches from my toes.


See that ridgeline behind Brian? That is the final part of the trail. Keri and I decided to sit out on that final part. I was quite content looking at the view from where we were. Brian and Normer continued on and got some pretty good pics of the trail. Nothing like climbing up on a chain:



The view from the top!


I love how small the road is way down below.DSCF0510



I like this part of the trail much, much better!

After the hike we set up our tents with a gorgeous view of the mountains.


We managed to squeeze our tent, two sleeping bags, food, clothes and an air mattress in just our carry on bags. We slept pretty comfortably that night with the air mattress. Camping isn't so bad afterall.

Up Next: More hiking complete with cute hiking outfits....


  1. Wow!!! Seriously amazing pics! You guys are gnarly.

  2. Wow - what a fun hike!!! I'm so jealous! I'm with you though, Stacee - I would definitely have sat that last part out too. I love to hike but have a major fear of heights.

    I'm so glad you don't hate camping! :)

  3. SO jealous!! I had no idea you took this trip. Next time stuff me in your carry-on okay?


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