Amsterdam Day 2

For our second day in Amsterdam, we decided to rent bicycles and ride out into the country. Amsterdam is a not a very large city. You can easily ride your bike for about 20 minutes and be out in the country. The weather decided to be very uncooperative this day and it rained pretty much the entire time we were on bikes. Ugh. We also got very, very lost trying to follow a bike tour. We didn't have very specific directions and man- we probably biked an hour and a half out of our way. But we did eventually find the right path and got to see a few very old windmills.

DSC03850I am soaking, soaking wet in this picture. I knew that it was going to rain on us and I didn't know what to do with my hair for the day. Ya know, I have to have good looking hair for our pictures. So I decided to go with pigtails. They are my hairstyle of choice when I go skiing, go to amusement parks or if I know I'm going to get rained on.

DSC03853Another old windmill. DSC03865Once we got back to the city, we returned our bikes and decided to do some more walking tours. Here, I am sitting in the middle of Dam Square with the Royal Palace behind me; just doing a little reading to prepare for our walking tour. DSC03869Here is the other side of Dam Square. This is where the city of Amsterdam got its start in 1250. Fishermen built up the banks of the Amstel River with a dam and called the village Amstel-damme. DSC03873We did a walking tour through Jordaan, Anne Frank's  neighborhood. It was my favorite part of Amsterdam- the architecture was unbelievable. We were able to see this red house which is labeled the skinniest house in all of Amsterdam. The house is really not this tiny, just an entry way to a larger house behind it. Real Estate is very expensive along this canal and the owners were taxed by the amount of street frontage. So that accounts for the small front!DSC03878I still can't go over the amount of bicycles we saw or how many bridges there were.

DSC03879The view in Jordaan. DSC03883I've heard of a two person tandem bike- but a four person? DSC03886This is the Westerkerk Tower. Rembrandt is buried underneath this church. The church also has a bell that rings every 15 minutes- it's the same bell that Anne Frank would hear while she was stuck inside her house.

DSC03890I love the canals!

DSC03891Here is the Anne Frank house. We didn't go in. The line was way too long for us! You can however see some of the paddle boats that we rented!

DSC03901We saw a lot of house boats along the canals. Many of the were decked out with beautiful flowers.

DSC03903I love this blue house. It looks like it is one of those fake houses on a movie set from this angle.


It's not! There is the other side!

DSC03904I guess when there are millions of bikes in a city, it becomes necessary to do something to make yours stick out- just so you can find it again. I really wanted to take this pink bike for a spin!DSC03909After our walk we had a great dinner at a Brazilian restaurant and then called it a night! We barely woke up in time for our flight and started our long journey home.


  1. This makes me want to go visit Amsterdam so badly!! I love the blue house too...great pictures Stacee!

  2. Fun, fun stuff! I love that last house - so bizarre! Amsterdam is now high on my list of places I want to visit, thanks to your blog!

  3. You two are the craziest travelers that I know. Who goes across the Atlantic for two days!!! Normer and Stacee, the same two that went to Seattle for a day. I love the pictures and your narration. Travel on! How about travelling to Berry for Mtn. Day this year?????

  4. Such an interesting place. I went when I was 21 but I'd love to go back and see it properly.
    Gigs In Amsterdam


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