The Channel Islands

This past weekend, Normer and I headed out to California to go camping with Sean and Erin. We flew into Orange County and then had a two hour drive to Ventura (north of LA). From Ventura, we caught a boat to take us out to the island of Santa Cruz. It was about an hour boat ride to the Channel Islands National Park. This was our first view:

DSC04156There are two campgrounds on the island of Santa Cruz. Ours was about a 1/2 mile hike in. The other site was a back country campground that is way too far for me to walk carrying a pack. We set up camp and then headed out on the trails to check out the island.

DSC04165It was gorgeous! We felt like we were in Greece and not just off the coast of California!

DSC04167View of Anacapa island in the distance.


DSC04178Me and Normer

DSC04181Normer slipped over the edge and was hanging on for dear life.

DSC04184Just kidding! Both Normer and Sean were always pushing how close they could get to the edge. Freaked us girls out!!

DSC04185The wind was ridiculous and it made it quite chilly!

DSC04197We hiked over to this one lookout to get a good view of the sunset. For some reason, Erin is always hiding in all my pictures!

DSC04198Up next: Sunset View on the Channel Islands


  1. yay! Thanks for planning this great trip for us Stacee! I'm recommending it to all my Cali friends (all 4 that is). ;) Miss you guys already!

  2. Oh wow... that's AMAZING. Isn't California the best?!

  3. Cool post! Nice to get a look at a part of my state I've never seen. :)


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