Australia Day 3

For our last day of sightseeing, we woke up to a very rainy Sydney. We decided to head out anyway and walk across the Harbour Bridge.

It was a really nice walk despite the rain. We had a great view of the Opera House once we crossed the harbor.

We were waiting for a Ferry in front of Luna Park, a little amusement park. I thought the face was quite creepy!

After our ride back across the harbor, the sun decided to come out and we finally got to take some good shots of the Opera House! The thing that surprised me the most were the tiles! I had no idea that the huge white shells I've seen for so long were actually tile!

And yes, I just had to reach out and touch them! I'm totally digging the chevron pattern as well. I haven't done any stamp carving in awhile and this may just be my next inspiration!

After getting up close and personal with the opera house, we decided to walk around in the Botanical Gardens in search of our living room view. While Normer was in college, he studied abroad in Australia. A few years ago, he had a friend of his mom's paint our gorgeous living room art.

We think this is a pretty close replica of our art!

The weather was finally cooperating and it was perfect outside!

We decided to catch a ferry out to see Sydney's Olympic Park. It is really far away from the main part of the city. It took about an hour ride by ferry.

We weren't too impressed with the park. Everything was so spread out and there was a lot of construction. We ended up walking around forever in the rain just to find a bus back to our ferry stop. We did come along this very "interesting" ring walk. It was just a huge circle where you walked around reading about natural habitats. Pretty invigorating stuff!

We finally got a few night shots of the city but the Opera House still wasn't lit up at night for some reason.

We had a great time in Sydney! It was also great to check off visiting my 6th continent!


  1. Wowsers. You guys are SO blessed. Six continents?! Amazing!

    I love the shot of your wall art - so cool! And the night shot.

    You look so cute pregnant! Glad you guys are having lots of "hurrahs" before Jr. arrives.


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