Badge Lee Adams

Badge is now 3 weeks old! He was born on April 22nd at 5:21pm. I'll save his birth story for another post but man, it was quite the birth!

We named Badge after his great grandfather, Marvin Lee Badgerow who passed away a few months ago. We are so honored to name our son after such a wonderful man. We have gotten a few weird looks from people when they first hear his name, but we could care less! We love it and think it fits him perfectly!

Badge with Mommy on his first morning. This picture is obviously not how I looked right after I gave birth. That picture will most likely never see the light of day! Ugh!

Badge with Daddy

I just love this little sweet face. He is so adorable!

My first Mother's Day! We are standing in front of the swingset in Normer's Parents' backyard. They have name plates for all of the grandkids and Badge has his just added!

I absolutely can't believe I have this little guy to take care of- We've waited so long for you Badge!!


  1. Stacee,
    You look great! What a cute little guy. Congratulations. Make sure to sign him up for Kindermusik! Or you could start a program yourself!

  2. So excited for you guys! Badge is a cutie and maybe one of these days we can have a play date =)

  3. Yeah! Stacee's back to blogging! : ) Love the re-design.

  4. He's so cute! Congratulations again. I can't wait to hear the birth story (I'll keep bugging you until you write it)! :)


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