Letter from Vintage Thread Spools

A few months ago, I was gifted with multiple boxes of vintage sewing notions from Normer's Grandmother and Great Aunt. They were moving into an assisted living home and couldn't take everything with them. Not only did I get multiple pairs of beautiful scissors (in the original packaging!) but I also got a huge box of the most beautiful vintage thread. I have been drooling over it the past few months wondering what I could do with it. I knew that I wanted to use it to decorate somehow in my craft room and after a few weeks of brainstorming, it hit me! Make a letter to hang up over my sewing machine!

I am just in love with it! My sewing room is as dark as a dungeon so sorry for the dark photos! Here's how I made my spool letter. You'll need the following supplies:

First, I trimmed off all the extra thread and then taped down the end so I wouldn't have any loose threads hanging.

Next, I laid out the spools in the shape that I wanted, but I soon discovered as I started gluing that things shifted around so I just had to work with the shape and readjust as I went.

I found it easiest to just glue the tops of a group of 2-3 and let it sit for a few seconds. Once it was more stable up top, I glued the bottoms in the same position. I didn't put a lot of glue on the actual thread, just on the top and bottom lip of the spool.
This project took me about an hour or so of gluing and it was done! I did go back around with the hot glue gun and tried to give it more stability. I used only two nails to hang it up, one on the top and one around the middle. I just used the holes already in the thread spool.

Did I say that I love it? My craft room has been super neglected since we moved into our house and it's about time I did a few projects to finish it off!

So happy with my little sewing corner of my craft room! Now to cover that green mat in a cute fabric and also make a new ironing board cover....


  1. Great idea Stacee! So cute :) I would love to make a new ironing board cover. Is there an online tutorial?


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