Badge's 3rd Birthday

Badge turned 3 back in April and I planned quite the party for him! Normer has banned me from ever having a party this big again, so we will be scaling back (wink wink) next year!!

Oh no, our house is on fire!!! 

Good thing we had a fire truck nearby to save the day!!
Badge requested a fire truck birthday this year and I splurged on a fire truck for the party. This truck is parked at a house on our way to school so I called around until I found the right one. It really was so much fun for all the kids and adults.

 Riding in the fire truck with Daddy

One happy 3 year old!

 The decorations for this party were super easy and cheap! I just bought a huge pack of cardstock for all the window decorations and streamers for the rest!

A fire truck party would not be complete without the fire truck cake!

 Definitely the largest cake I have ever made! It was huge! I used royal icing for the ladders and wheels. I just piped them out on parchment paper to dry, then placed them on the cake before the party started. I have taken several cake decorating courses on Craftsy and have learned so much!

 My cookies were a big hit and all gone before the party was even over.

I didn't give away any party favors since the fire truck was such a big expense but I did purchase some cheap fire hats from Amazon for all the kids.

Happy 3rd Birthday Badge!!
Check out Badge's 2nd birthday Train party and his 1st birthday Airplane party too!


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